If you’re thinking of setting aside your career ambitions for the next month, DON’T! Did you know that the holiday season is actually the perfect time for your job search? In this episode, I   tell you all about how the holiday season can actually boost your career opportunities. You’ll learn about how you can propel yourself forward while still enjoying your family, your friends, your vacation and all that you do to make the holiday magic happen. 

I’m going to fill you in on 5 ways you can advance your career over the holiday season. 

By the end of this episode you’ll:

  • See that you don’t have to choose the holidays over your career ambitions
  • Enjoy the holiday season even more knowing that it isn’t tearing you away from the goals you have for yourself.
  • Have simple strategies in your pocket that you can use to help you return to work
  • Understand how the holidays can make you an even more attractive job candidate
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